"Chal Meera Putt 2" is a 2020 Punjabi comedy film directed by Janjut Singh. This is a direct result of the upcoming film Chali Meera Putt in 2019. The film is produced by Carj Gayle under Toll Boys Entertainment and Asho Manish Sahni under Omeji Star Studios.
The development of the film started after the success of the prequel, and it was announced by Thackeray in November 2019. Original photography for the film began on 12 November 2019 in Birmingham, and ended on 27 December 2019. The film was shot in the UK and India. The film was released worldwide on March 13, 2020. The Corona virus epidemic intensifies in the region.
Chall Mera Putt Part 2 Cast:
Amrinder Gul as Jaswinder Singh 'Gender'
Sami Chahal as the rider cover 'Savi'
Gary Sindhu as Deepa
Iftikhar Thakur as Chaudhry Shamsheer
Nasir Chinioti as Tabriz
Akram Udas as Buta
Hardeep Gail as uncle
Gorshabad as Balwinder Singh 'Cat'
Zafari Khan as Advocate 'Bilal'
Nirmal Rishi
As the father of Agha Majid Tabriz
Ruby Anam as Saira
Roop khatkar as hair
Seema Koshal as Bakr's wife
As the father of Sanju Solanki Billilla
Naveedpi Brar as a warrior
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