100% Solved | #Discovered - currently not indexed| #Crawled - currently not indexed|

Discovered - currently not indexed problem has been solved. 

Crawled - currently not indexed has been solved. 

There was a common issue while indexing pages or posts. these two common issues was Discovered - currently not indexed and Crawled - currently not indexed and we are unable to do manually indexing. Manually indexing was disabled by Google since 14-Oct-2020 which is now enabled and we all can do manually indexing for our webpages.  

Lets try to understand manual indexing step by step. 

1. Open Google Search Console 

2. Login with your same email ID which you are using for your blogger or WordPress. 

3. Click on Sitemap

4. Expand your website i.e. blogger, WordPress Sitemap.

5. Click on Exclude and you will see  | #Discovered - currently not indexed| #Crawled - currently not indexed| are there. 

6. Expand Discovered or Crawled currently not indexed one by one and start submitting your unindexed pages. 

7. Copy these all links and do Inspecting for all URL's. 

8. After Inspecting of your URL you may see the following result. 

9. Click Request Indexing if you see the get the same result. 
