President Donald Trump's Unsuccessful attempt to Inversion the election


The US Supreme Court has ruled that Trump's dream of ending the election results in four states has not been fulfilled. Trump tried to overturn the results in four states: Texas, Georgia, Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin, but the Supreme Court did not allow the attempt to succeed. Of the four states in which Biden has succeeded. The lawsuit was supported by 18 state attorney generals and 106 Republican members of Congress.


But in a brief ruling dismissing the petition, the Supreme Court ruled Friday that Texas has no legal position to bring the case. The decision came as a shock to Trump, who had suggested that the outcome of the November presidential election be decided in the Supreme Court without any evidence.


The court also rejected a separate legal challenge to Mr. Biden's victory in Pennsylvania earlier this week. Trump has made numerous uncertain claims that he has been barred from running for a second term because of "illegal voting." In short, Trump says the US election has been rigged.

The court also rejected a separate legal challenge to Mr. Biden's victory in Pennsylvania earlier this week. Trump has made numerous uncertain claims that he has been barred from running for a second term because of "illegal voting." In short, Trump says the US election has been rigged.


Since the election, Trump and his supporters have filed dozens of lawsuits questioning the outcome of the election. But they have all failed to end Biden's victory. The Democratic candidate in the US presidential election college defeated Trump by a margin of 306 to 232 votes. Mr. Biden received seven million more votes than the president. The Electoral College is expected to hold a formal meeting on Monday to elect Biden as the 46th President of the United States.



