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How to paste file in pubg mobile lite in android 11? how to use config file in android 11

Almost all user's are facing issue to use/copy config file in pubg mobile or lite after updating to android 11. There are a lot of videos on YouTube and articles on Google but no one solve this error until today. But we are giving you a guaranty that after following our procedure you will be able to use/paste any file in Pubg Mobile Lite and Global and Korean Version. All Pubg Mobiles have UE4Game folder according to the version. Do not use Global UE4Game folder in Korean or Lite Version. If you have any confusion do let us know. We are here to support you. 

1. Download Pubg Mobile Lite UE4Game Folder.

2. Download ZArchiver 

3. Allow/Grant Full Access to ZArchiver.

4. Open ZArchiver now.

5. Click on Allow.

6. Now Click on Android Folder:

7. Click on Data Folder:

8. After clicking on Data Folder you will get the following popup, Click on OK.

9. Click on USE THIS FOLDER Option as shown in the Below Picture.

10.  Go to your phone setting and search for Permission Manager as shown in the below picture.

11. In Permission Manager click on ZArchiver and scroll down and Allow Install Unknown Apps.

We allowed Full access to ZArchiver, Now you will need to rename your UE4Game folder to UE4Game1 and then paste that folder which you download from my link.

1. Access your Android Folder by Using ZArchiver or any other app which will allow you to access Data Folder. 

2. Click on Data folder,

3. In Data Folder search for com.tencent.ig or com.pubg.krmobile

4. I have both games and will paste this file at both location but will show you only one method here as both method are same. In my case I will click on com.tencent.ig.

5. After clicking on com.tencent.ig. folder the you will se following two folder inside it.

6. Click on Files.

7. Now click on UE4Game Folder.


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