bruce willis stepped away from acting due to aphasia| what is aphasia


“Bruce Willis” Has Aphasia and Is ‘Stepping Away’ From His Career.

News of his diagnosis, which was initially announced by his ex-wife, Demi Moore, garnered support and admiration for Willis from fans, stars and other notable personalities.

Bruce Willis, the star of the action movie, has been diagnosed with aphasia - a condition that affects the brain's language center and a person's ability to speak or understand - and he will retire from acting. Demi Moore's ex-wife made the announcement. In an Instagram post on Wednesday.


Bruce’s supporters is his family, we wanted to point out that our beloved Bruce has some health problems and has just been diagnosed with Aphasia, which is affecting his cognitive abilities. Yes, "reads Moore's post. "As a result, with a lot of assumed, Bruce is moving away from a career that means a lot to him."


"We're going through it as a strong family unit, and we wanted to bring its fans into it because we know how much it means to you, as you do to it." Continued "As Bruce always says, 'Keep it alive,' and we plan to do it together."


(NEXSTAR) - Bruce Willis is retiring from acting after being recently diagnosed with aphasia, a condition that is "affecting his cognitive abilities," shared by his family. According to a statement.

Aphasia, which can lead to varying degrees of speech or comprehension, currently affects more than 2 million Americans, the National Aphasia Association estimates. This condition is often the result of a stroke or brain injury but can develop over time due to a brain tumor or progressive neurological disease.

 Aphasia can affect people of any age, although according to the National Institutes of Health most people diagnosed are "middle-aged or older".

“Bruce Willis” is recently diagnosed with aphasia

There are several different types of aphasia that fall into two categories: fluent and non-fluent. Damage to the temporal lobe is usually caused by increased flow of fluids and can result in a common form of condition called Wernicke's aphasia, which causes a person to fail to understand speech. 

May have difficulty, or may say "long, complete sentences that have no meaning." NIH writes. Non-fluent stimulation, commonly found in those who damage the frontal lobe, may result in bronchiectasis stimulation, a type of speech impediment that can lead to poor speech comprehension in general. However, it can cause a person to speak in short sentences or short words.


However, there are many forms of aphasia that can have different symptoms.

The Cleveland Clinic notes, "Almost all patients with aphasia have difficulty finding the word that is coming up with the correct names for people, places, things or events.

Patients who suffer from aphasia as a result of a brain injury can heal some of their language and cognitive abilities on their own, although many do not. Rehabilitation programs focusing on speech and language therapy can provide additional support.

According to the NIH, drug treatment is also being explored as an "experimental approach" to treatment.

the agency wrote that some studies are examining whether “drugs affecting chemical neurotransmitters in the brain can be used in conjunction with speech language therapy to improve the restoration of various language functions,"


The academy condemned Will Smith's actions and began a review. Wallace's family, including his wife, ex-wife and five daughters, announced the diagnosis in a statement on Instagram on Wednesday.

"This is a really difficult time for our family, and we appreciate your continued love, compassion and support. We are going through it as a strong family unit, and we want to bring its fans because We know how much he means to you, as you do to him, "the statement said.

No further details were released on Wallace's diagnosis and health problems. Wallace, 67, has appeared in more than a dozen films since 2020, many of which are still in post-production.


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