Pubg mobile 1.9 no recoil file download| pubg mobile 1.9 zero recoil file| pubg mobile less recoil file free download.


Hello Friends;

Welcome to Pubg Mobile 1.9 Latest Updates. Hope that you all are enjoying game. As we know that pubg mobile is bringing new security methods with new updates, therefore, we are trying to provide you the best ever safe files so that you can control your recoil and enjoy your game. Pubg mobile 1.9 brought some amazing features as well a tight security as well. 

We want to inform you if you use unsafe files to control recoil or try to cheat in pubg game, you're id will not ban, it sound good but it is not true, pubg mobile 1.9 is not going to ban your id, pubg will ban you mobile device so you will not be able to create a new id to play pubg game on same mobile device. 

Always use random MAC addresses option to keep safe your mobile. Go To Setting ==> Wifi ==> Advanced option ==> Select Random MAC option. 

How to unblock pubg mobile ban device? What is Random MAC?

Random mac is changeable. It's mean if pubg mobile block your device you can simply discount Wifi and reconnect it again. Your MAC address will change and you will be able to login to Pubg Mobile again. Enjoy that's it.

Please wait few days so that we can test the recoil file 1st and make it sure that it will be 200% safe. Thanks for visiting. Please Keep in Touch. 
