These three facts about sudden cardiac arrest can help save lives.


In this February, American Heart Month, you can learn important information about sudden cardiac arrest (SCA) that can help save your life. Three important things to remember: SCA is not a heart attack: SCA is an "electrical" problem that affects the heart rhythm, and a heart attack is a "plumbing" problem that affects blood flow.

It is a common misconception that heart attack and SCA are the same thing. However, they are very different. A heart attack occurs when part of the heart's blood supply is cut off due to a partial or complete blockage, and the heart muscle is injured or dies. On the other hand, SCA is related to the electrical system of the heart. When this system fails, it can trigger a dangerously fast heartbeat that causes the heart to vibrate and stop pumping blood to the body and brain.

This can lead to sudden death - it's SCA. "A heart attack victim usually wakes up and can get help, but a sudden cardiac arrest usually dies immediately. And he should rely on others to provide immediate treatment, "says Mary. Newman, president and CEO of the Sudden Cardiac Arrest Foundation. "Both conditions require very different treatments. The chances of survival after a sudden heart attack are reduced by 10% with each passing minute.

Although heart attacks and SCA are different, they are sometimes intertwined. Brent Miller, 50, survived both. Brent knew something was wrong when he began experiencing recurrent severe chest pain in early 2021. He was an avid runner, so there was no possibility of heart trouble.

However, Brent did not know how to ignore his symptoms. He went to the hospital and was diagnosed with a heart attack. Brent's doctors implanted a stent in his heart to restore blood flow. Immediate medical aid saved his life, but a heart attack weakened his heart's ability to pump. This condition put her at risk for a sudden heart attack. As part of her recovery, her doctor advised her to wear a life-saving protective wearable defibrillator called Life Vest.

Take a look at Brent's story on the Cardiac Arrest Foundation website. SCA is sudden by nature; Often the first sign of a person having this condition is that they fall down and have a heart attack. SCA has no warning signs. However, there are factors that can indicate that someone is at risk for SCA.

Barents Story:

For example, some heart patients may be at increased risk, including those who have had a heart attack or have been newly diagnosed with heart failure. Anyone who feels they may be at risk should see a cardiologist for a diagnosis. If you are at risk for SCA, a doctor may prescribe an wearable defibrillator, implantable cardioverter defibrillator, medication, or other measures to prevent sudden death. In Brent's case, after suffering a heart attack, his doctors determined that he was at high risk for SCA and recommended LifeVaste, an wearable defibrillator that detects some of the deadliest fast heartbeats. Designed for implantation and provides automatic life-saving treatment shock.

My SCA was very quick; "I didn't feel like it was happening at all," Brent said. "I was talking to my wife, and I fell." Learn how Brent escaped sudden cardiac arrest at the Sudden Cardiac Arrest Foundation website. 3. Victims of SCA are in urgent need. Emergency care, including CPR and defibrillation shock - and you can help.

If you think you have a sudden heart attack, the first thing to do is call 911 immediately before taking immediate and immediate care. After calling 911, start CPR compression: push harder and faster in the middle of the chest. Victims of SCA require defibrillation and viewers should take an AED (Automatic External Defibrillator) to provide treatment.

If a patient is wearing a life vest, which does not require the intervention of a third party, the device is designed to move onlookers aside during treatment. Brent was at home in his bedroom when he experienced SCA. He suddenly lost consciousness. Life West detected an abnormal heart rhythm and gave him a shock treatment which saved his life.

If I hadn't worn a life vest that day, I wouldn't have died, "says Brent." I'm just so thankful. " After suffering both a heart attack and SCA, Brent has recovered and undergone cardiac rehab.

How to Respond to Sudden Cardiac Arrest

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