how to control blood pressure at home in 2022?

how to control blood pressure at home

7 Tips for Keeping Your Blood Pressure in Check

How can you keep your blood pressure in check? With the right combination of these 7 tips, you’ll be able to reduce and control your blood pressure in no time!

1) Watch What You Eat

A diet rich in fruits, vegetables, fish, and lean meats can help keep your blood pressure down. Eating foods that are high in sodium, on the other hand—like processed foods, canned soups, and bread—can boost your blood pressure by pumping more fluid into your body. Moderate alcohol consumption has also been shown to reduce blood pressure. Just be careful not to overdo it: Excessive drinking can increase blood pressure dramatically.

2) Make Time For Fitness

It can be hard to make time for physical activity when your life is so busy. But scheduling a daily fitness routine will help keep your blood pressure under control. Take at least 10,000 steps per day by taking advantage of walking opportunities throughout your day—at lunch, between meetings, etc. Try running up and down your stairs instead of taking the elevator or escalator.

3) Learn How To Relax

Relaxation techniques can be used to combat stress and help lower blood pressure. Try taking deep breaths, meditating, or even doing yoga when you feel anxious or stressed out. Even if you don’t have high blood pressure (yet), it’s a good idea to get into some relaxation practices. After all, what’s more, important than staying healthy?

4) Get Help When Necessary

If you are experiencing symptoms of high blood pressure, talk to your doctor. If medication is prescribed, be sure to take it as directed. It’s also important to remember that lifestyle factors like eating well and exercising can have a dramatic impact on blood pressure levels. Be mindful of what you eat and try not to adopt bad habits—like smoking—if you don’t already have them. These small changes can make a big difference over time.

5) Know The Warning Signs

High blood pressure can be a silent killer, so knowing how to monitor it is critical. Talk to your doctor about what constitutes high blood pressure for you and keep an eye out for warning signs like fatigue or headaches. You can also try monitoring your blood pressure at home—home tests are convenient, quick, and easy to use; they often require just a few drops of blood from your fingertip.

6) Know the Numbers

The first step to ensuring that your blood pressure stays within a healthy range is to know what those ranges are. The American Heart Association recommends visiting your doctor at least once every two years to check up on your numbers. For many people, keeping an eye on these numbers means using home blood pressure monitoring systems. According to research published in Current Hypertension Reports, almost 80 percent of patients who self-monitored their blood pressure were able to better control it than those who didn’t monitor it at all.

7) Follow a Plan

Before you can control your blood pressure, you have to know what’s causing it to fluctuate. Because most cases of high blood pressure are a result of lifestyle choices, it makes sense to start by making some small changes and tracking your progress. Start an exercise regimen or cut out processed foods from your diet—see how different choices affect your health.


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