How To Keep Your Wife Happy: 10 Tips To Show You Care


How To Keep Your Wife Happy: 10 Tips To Show You Care

Your wife is the most important person in your life, but are you making her happy? She may not seem like it sometimes, but most women would like to be told that they’re important and appreciated by their husbands. Making your wife happy shouldn’t be difficult; in fact, if you read this guide on how to keep your wife happy, you’ll be able to do so in no time!

1) Listen And Show Interest

When you’re with your wife, put away your smartphone and give her your full attention. Even if you’re planning a big business deal or project at work, listening to what she has to say is an important part of showing her that you care.

2) Try New Things Together

Don’t get stuck in a rut. Talk to your wife about making an effort to do new things together and doing some things you used to do when you were dating. Sometimes, just doing something as simple as going for a walk, ride or bike ride can make her feel closer to you. Let her know that she is important and try asking how you can make her happy.

3) Don’t Let The Little Things Slip

Marriage is not easy. It takes a lot of work and even more effort to be successful. Sometimes, it’s hard to keep up with all of your spouse’s demands, especially when she wants you to show her you care. If you have children or another demanding job, these little things can slip through your fingers without much thought, but they don’t mean nothing to your wife.

4) Avoid Making Her Feel Guilty

A wife feels better about her marriage when she’s happy. It’s that simple. If you want to keep your wife happy and feeling loved, avoid making her feel guilty for any reason – even if it makes sense in your mind. She wants to be assured that she is with you because she wants to be, not because she feels forced or obligated.

5) Laugh With Her, Not At Her

This sounds like a simple tip, but it’s incredibly important. Often we laugh at what our wives say because we think they are being cute or funny, or trying to be clever. But think about it – would you make fun of your friends if they said something silly? Probably not, because you respect them and you wouldn’t want to hurt their feelings.

6) Affirm And Appreciate Her

Regularly acknowledge her efforts and recognize how she makes you feel. When your wife does something nice for you, let her know how grateful you are. Tell her why you appreciate what she’s done—that will make a difference! Whether it’s taking care of your family or working hard outside of home, affirm and appreciate your wife. She won’t forget it—and will likely do more in return!

7) Make Time For Fun, Even If It’s A Date Night At Home

It’s important to remember to have fun. It can seem like a daunting task when you’re busy dealing with a newborn, but it is one of those things that make your wife happy. Set aside time to do something fun together, even if it is at home! A date night at home is still a great way to get away from it all and just enjoy each other’s company.

8) Know When To Step Back And Leave Her Alone

If your wife is angry, you should step back and let her cool off. And if she still seems upset after that, it’s time to leave her alone and give her some space. Also realize that she may not be in a mood to talk about what’s bothering her, so don’t push it. Wait until later when things have calmed down.

9) Celebrate Every Win, No Matter How Small

It may sound obvious, but a big part of how to make your wife happy comes down to consistently letting her know you’re proud of her. It doesn’t matter if she cleans up after dinner or makes a killer cake for dessert—every job is worth celebrating! In fact, no matter how big or small your win was today, make sure you tell your partner all about it before bedtime.

10) Take The Blame Instead Of Passing It Off

It’s easy to blame your wife when she gets upset, but if you want to make her happy, it’s more effective to take a step back and accept that you may have done something wrong. A great way to let your wife know you care is by letting her vent about things that frustrate her or stress her out. If you can empathize with what she says, she’ll appreciate how much you actually hear and understand her.
