16 Things Women Suffer That Men Don't

It's no secret that women have it tougher than men. We're expected to do more around the house, at work, and in society in general. And on top of all that, we have to deal with issues that men simply don't have to worry about.

In this article, we'll explore 16 of the things women suffer that men don't. From period pain to street harassment, these are unfortunately just a few of the many challenges we face daily.


 Menstruation is the process of shedding the uterine lining. It occurs in response to hormonal changes and typically lasts for 3-7 days. The average woman loses around 30-40 ml of blood during menstruation.

Some women experience cramping, bloating, and mood swings during this time. Menstruation is a normal part of a woman's reproductive cycle and should not be considered a medical condition.


Childbirth is one of the most painful and dangerous things that women go through. Every year, thousands of women die in childbirth. In developed countries, the number of women dying in childbirth has been declining over the years. However, in developing countries, the number of women dying in childbirth is still very high.

Childbirth is a very risky and dangerous process. The mother and baby are at risk of serious injury or death. Many complications can occur during childbirth. These include hemorrhage, infection, and obstructed labor.

Childbirth is also a very painful experience. Many women compare the pain of childbirth to being stabbed or burned. Childbirth is also a long and exhausting process. It can take many hours, or even days, for a woman to give birth.

Overall, childbirth is a very dangerous and painful experience that only women go through. Men do not have to worry about going through this process themselves.


There are many things women suffer from that men simply don’t. One of the most well-known and debilitating is PMS or premenstrual syndrome. This condition is caused by the hormonal fluctuations that occur in a woman’s body during her menstrual cycle.

Symptoms of PMS can include mood swings, irritability, depression, anxiety, fatigue, bloating, and cramps. These symptoms can have a significant impact on a woman’s quality of life and can make it difficult to function normally. PMS is a very real and serious condition that affects millions of women every month.

Another thing women suffer from that men don’t is childbirth. Childbirth is an incredibly painful and stressful experience that can have lasting effects on a woman’s body. The process of childbirth can cause tearing, bruising, and extreme exhaustion. 

Recovery from childbirth can take weeks or even months. childbearing is a uniquely female experience that comes with its own set of challenges and hardships.

There are many things women suffer from that men simply don’t understand. PMS and childbirth are just two examples of the unique challenges women face every day.

The G-spot:

The vagina contains a small region known as the Grafenberg spot or G-spot. The part closest to the belly button is on the upper vaginal wall, about an inch or so within the vaginal opening. Sexually sensitive, the G-spot feels elevated or rough and swells somewhat during arousal.

Body hair:

Women suffer from a lot of things that men don't. One of these things is body hair. Women have to deal with unwanted hair on their faces, legs, and other parts of their bodies. This can be a big inconvenience and it can also be very costly to remove.

Another thing that women suffer from that men don't is periods. Periods are a natural part of a woman's reproductive cycle, but they can be very painful and inconvenient. 

Many women have to miss work or school because of their periods. Some women even have to go to the hospital because of how severe the pain can be.

Overall, there are many things that women suffer from that men don't. Body hair and periods are just two examples. Women have to deal with a lot of things that men don't, and it can be very tough.


1. Sexism is a big problem that women suffer from that men don't. Sexism is the discrimination of people based on their sex. It can be overt, like when a woman is paid less than a man for doing the same job. It can also be subtle, like when a woman is told she's not good at math or science.

2. Sexism is a huge problem in the workplace. Women are often passed over for promotions or given lower-paid jobs. They also face sexual harassment and discrimination. All of this makes it hard for women to succeed in the workplace.

3. Sexism also affects women's health. Women are more likely to suffer from anxiety and depression due to sexism. They also have higher rates of stress and heart disease. All of this proves that sexism is a serious problem that needs to be addressed.

The pressure to be perfect:

Women are under a lot of pressure to be perfect. They are expected to have the perfect body, perfect skin, perfect hair, and perfect clothes. They are also expected to be smart, successful, and have it all together. This pressure can be very overwhelming and lead to a lot of anxiety and stress.

Men, on the other hand, are not under nearly as much pressure to be perfect. There is no societal expectation for them to look or be a certain way. They can be successful without having to have everything together. This lack of pressure can lead to a sense of freedom and less stress.


Women are often objectified by society. This means that they are seen as objects or possessions rather than human beings. This can happen in several ways. For example, women may be judged based on their appearance instead of their character or accomplishments. 

They may also be treated as sexual objects being treated as though their only purpose is to please men sexually. This objectification can lead to several problems for women. It can cause them to feel devalued and disrespected. 

It can also lead to them being treated as though they are not worthy of the same rights and opportunities as men.

Street harassment:

Women suffer from street harassment more than men. This is because women are more likely to be targeted by men for harassment. Street harassment can include comments, leers, whistles, and catcalls. It can make women feel uncomfortable and unsafe in public spaces.

Street harassment is a form of sexual harassment. It is a way for men to assert their power over women. It can make women feel objectified and humiliated. Street harassment is a serious problem because it can lead to more serious forms of sexual harassment and even assault.

There are many things that women can do to protect themselves from street harassment. They can carry pepper spray or a personal alarm. They can travel in groups. They can also dress in clothing that covers their body and avoid wearing revealing clothing.

If you are a woman who has been harassed, there are some things you can do to help yourself. You can report the incident to the police or to an anti-harassment organization. You can also try to get away from the situation as quickly as possible.

The wage gap:

Women in the United States earn an average of 80 cents for every dollar earned by men. This wage gap exists across all industries and levels of education. Women of color face an even greater wage gap, earning just 63 cents for every dollar earned by white men.

The wage gap has a significant impact on women's lives. It results in women having less money to save for retirement, pay for child care, or cover other expenses. The wage gap also contributes to the gender wealth gap, which leaves women more vulnerable to poverty than men.

Many factors contribute to the wage gap, including discrimination, the prevalence of women in lower-paying occupations, and the fact that women are more likely to take time off from work to care for children or other family members. Whatever the cause, the wage gap is a serious problem that needs to be addressed.


Being a mother is one of the hardest and most rewarding things a woman can do. It is a 24/7 job that comes with a lot of responsibility. Mothers have to be strong for their children, even when they are feeling weak themselves. 

They are constantly worried about their child's safety and well-being. Mothers also have to deal with the judgment of others. People often judge mothers for their parenting choices, even though they don't know the whole story. Being a mother is not easy, but it is worth it.

The glass ceiling:

1. The glass ceiling is a term that refers to the invisible barrier that prevents women from reaching the top levels of their careers. This barrier is often due to discrimination and bias, both conscious and unconscious.

2. The glass ceiling can have a major impact on a woman's career. It can prevent her from getting promoted or from being paid as much as her male counterparts. It can also make it difficult for her to find meaningful work that fulfills her potential.

3. The glass ceiling is a major problem for women in the workforce. It limits their opportunities and prevents them from achieving their full potential.

4. There are many ways to overcome the glass ceiling. Women can work together to support each other's careers. They can also speak up and demand equal treatment in the workplace. Finally, they can push for policies and practices that help to level the playing field in the workplace.

In the home:

Women often suffer from domestic violence at the hands of their male partners. This is a form of abuse that men do not typically suffer from. Women may also be expected to take on more chores and child-rearing responsibilities than men, even if they both work full-time. This can lead to feelings of being overwhelmed and stressed.

In addition, women often have to deal with gender discrimination in the workplace. They may be paid less than their male counterparts for doing the same job, or they may be passed over for promotions. This can create a feeling of insecurity and frustration.

Health care disparities:

There are many health care disparities that women suffer that men don't. One of the most glaring is the fact that women are more likely to be diagnosed with a mental health disorder than men. 

This is even though men and women experience similar levels of stress and trauma. Women are also more likely to be victims of domestic violence and sexual assault. These experiences can lead to long-term mental health problems.

Another area where women suffer from healthcare disparities is reproductive health. Women are more likely to experience complications during pregnancy and childbirth. 

They are also more likely to suffer from sexually transmitted infections (STIs). In addition, women have a higher risk of developing certain types of cancer, such as breast cancer and ovarian cancer.

These healthcare disparities exist because of several factors, including biological differences between men and women, social factors, and access to care. Some of these disparities can be addressed by increasing access to quality health care for all women.

Violence against women:

Violence against women is a serious problem that affects women all over the world. It is estimated that one in three women will experience some form of violence in their lifetime. This violence can take many forms, including physical, sexual, and emotional abuse.

Violence against women is often perpetrated by someone the woman knows, such as a partner or family member. This makes it even more difficult for women to speak out and get help. Many women suffer in silence because they are afraid of what might happen if they speak up.

Violence against women is a global problem that needs to be addressed. Women all over the world deserve to live free from fear and violence.


Women have it tough. We suffer through a lot of things that men just don't have to deal with, and it's not fair. From period cramps to childbirth to being expected to do it all, women have a lot on their plates. 

The least we can do is try to be understanding and supportive of each other as we go through these things together. After all, we're in this together!

-----------------------Queries Anwered-------------

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16 things women suffer that men don t quotes
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