Why Does Facebook Block Google Blogger Links and How to Fix It?


Many bloggers depend on Facebook to share their substance and reach a more extensive gathering of people. 

Be that as it may, a few have detailed issues with Facebook blocking URLs from Google Blogger. 

This may be disappointing for bloggers who depend on the stage to drive traffic to their sites.

Here's what you would like to know about why Facebook might square Blogger joins and how to settle it:

Possible Reasons for Blocking:

Content Infringement: 

Facebook has strict rules concerning the substance, and in case your web journal post contains anything that damages these rules, such as despised discourse or spam, Facebook may piece the link.

Suspicious Movement: 

Facebook's calculations are designed to detect suspicious movement, and if they distinguish anything unordinary related to your Blogger URL, it may be blocked. 

This seems to incorporate a sudden surge in activity or a tall number of spam reports.

Technical Issues: 

Now and then, the issue can be simply specialized. Facebook's crawlers may be having inconveniences getting to your web journal, or there may be a transitory glitch with the integration between Blogger and Facebook.

Troubleshooting Tips:

Check Facebook's Community Guidelines: 

Guarantee your web journal substance complies with Facebook's Community Benchmarks. Any infringement may lead to your URL being blocked.

Use the Facebook Debugger Instrument: 

This apparatus makes a difference in distinguishing any issues along with your web journal URL and provides information on how to settle them. 

You'll be able to get to the Facebook Debugger Apparatus here: https://developers.facebook.com/tools/debug/

Clear Facebook Cache: In some cases, clearing your Facebook cache can resolve the issue. To do this, visit your Facebook settings and press on "Apps and Websites".

At that point, tap on "Logged in with Facebook" and discover the Blogger app. Press on "Remove App" and after that attempt sharing your Blogger URL again.

Submit a Bolster Ticket: 

On the off chance that you've attempted all the investigating tips and still can't share your Blogger URL, you'll be able to yield a bolster ticket to Facebook. 

Give them all the significant data, counting your web journal URL and the mistake message you're receiving.

Use Elective Sharing Strategies: 

Whereas you're attempting to resolve the issue with Facebook, consider utilizing other social media stages or e-mail showcasing to advance your web journal substance.

Additional Tips:

Regularly Overhaul Your Web Journal: Keeping your web journal overhauled with new substance will offer assistance in moving your website's well-being and possibly diminish the chances of Facebook blocking your URLs.

Engage along With your Group of onlookers: Effectively lock in along with your Facebook gathering of people by commenting on their posts and reacting to their messages. 

This may build belief and offer assistance in preventing your web journal from being hailed as suspicious.

Use a Custom Space: 

Whereas not ensure, employing a custom space for your Blogger web journal can move forward its validity and possibly offer assistance to prevent issues with Facebook blocking your URLs.

Remember, by understanding the reasons why Facebook might square your Blogger URL and taking after the investigating tips, you'll be able to increment your chances of effectively sharing your substance on the stage.
